
Bekijk onze klantverhalen

From strategy to results.

Strict helps organizations realize their digital ambitions. From independent advice to result-oriented guidance in the implementation of innovative technology. We ensure that organizations become, are and remain agile and data-driven. Our team of independent, committed professionals guarantees the result.

Strict helpt organisaties hun digitale ambities waar te maken. Van onafhankelijk advies tot en met de resultaatgerichte begeleiding bij de implementatie van innovatieve technologie. Wij zorgen dat organisaties wendbaar en datadriven worden, zijn en blijven. Ons team van onafhankelijke, betrokken professionals garandeert het resultaat.

Strict helpt organisaties hun digitale ambities waar te maken. Van onafhankelijk advies tot en met de resultaatgerichte begeleiding bij de implementatie van innovatieve technologie. Wij zorgen dat organisaties wendbaar en datadriven worden, zijn en blijven. Ons team van onafhankelijke, betrokken professionals garandeert het resultaat.


Strict helpt organisaties hun digitale ambities waar te maken. Van onafhankelijk advies tot en met de resultaatgerichte begeleiding bij de implementatie van innovatieve technologie. Wij zorgen dat organisaties wendbaar en datadriven worden, zijn en blijven. Ons team van onafhankelijke, betrokken professionals garandeert het resultaat.

Strategie & Digitale Transformatie

Everything is at your fingertip with an intuitive and neat interface. You don’t need to leave HubSpot or edit code to change your theme’s styles.

Turning your ambition into results.

The world around us is constantly changing and technological developments follow each other in rapid succession. This requires organizations to be able to respond flexibly to changing circumstances.

At Strict we believe in creating a future-proof approach that bridges the gap between people, processes and technology. Our focus is on delivering innovative solutions that not only address the current needs of organizations, but also proactively anticipate the future challenges and opportunities within your sector.

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Business Continuity

As an organization, it is essential that the business can continue to run at all times. A challenge in today's continuously changing world, where even an event on the other side of the world can have an impact on your business operations. How do you protect business operations without this becoming a daily task that distracts from the most important priority: your service and relationship with the customer?

Privacy & Security

We live in the era of connectivity and digital evolution with continuously increasing interaction and exchange of data and personal data. The processing and protection of that data and personal information entails enormous responsibility and challenge for organizations. We help you gain insight into vulnerabilities, ensure the correct certifications and help protect your data.

Technology & Innovation

Increasing digitalization has opened the doors to a world of unprecedented possibilities and at the same time brought challenges. This requires a solid foundation, so that the organization can rely on the people, processes and systems. At the same time, all new developments also bring a lot of innovations with them. How do you find the right balance between unwavering stability and the need for innovation?

Discover the smart way of progress

Blogs, nieuws, events en meer

Klassieke AI vs. generatieve AI: de verschillen en hun impact op jouw organisatie

Klassieke AI vs. generatieve AI: de verschillen en hun impact op jouw organisatie

di 10 sep 2024
Kor Gerritsma over de Defensie IT-storing bij BNR Nieuwsradio The Daily Move

Kor Gerritsma over de Defensie IT-storing bij BNR Nieuwsradio The Daily Move

wo 4 sep 2024
Persbericht: Strict stelt Daniël van den Brink aan als Teamlead Cloud & Cyber Security

Persbericht: Strict stelt Daniël van den Brink aan als Teamlead Cloud & Cyber Security

di 3 sep 2024
Strict werkt continue aan zorgspecifieke kennisontwikkelingen van consultants

Strict werkt continue aan zorgspecifieke kennisontwikkelingen van consultants

do 22 aug 2024
Maak kennis met Emilie de Raadt, projectmanager bij Strict

Maak kennis met Emilie de Raadt, projectmanager bij Strict

di 20 aug 2024
Kan 5G Missiekritische communicatie wel op Android? | De Strict 5G Podcast

Kan 5G Missiekritische communicatie wel op Android? | De Strict 5G Podcast

vr 16 aug 2024

Customer stories


Case Prinses Máxima Centrum

Combating childhood cancer and offering children a social stay through the use of digital innovation.

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Erasmus MC klantcase

Case Erasmus MC

Providing optimal care through 100% stable communication solutions.

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Case Meldkamer Limburg (112 emergency services)

Ensuring safety and saving lives through optimal accessibility and security of privacy-sensitive data

Read more →

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We are Strict.

Together with our customers, we create a safe and sustainable society in which everyone can benefit from digital possibilities. We support the realization of digital ambitions and we do so in a socially responsible manner. This way we have an impact in the short and long term and we make an immediate difference.

Strict has an informal and open culture, where we not only work hard, but also pay attention to our personal development, sharing knowledge, vitality and a good work-life balance. Above all, we strive to enjoy what we do! We also see each other regularly, for example at the annual family day, boot camps and our ski trip 'Strict im Schnee'.

They rely on Strict

Ready to take control?

How can we help you?

We are ready to tackle your digital challenges. Contact us today and discover how we can help you realize your digital ambitions.

Or call 088 55 55 800